Tug of War

The girls were happy because they won, and I was excited too! 

We had fun on the day of the tug of war, and it was Monday, the 9th of    October. We all had fun, but the boys didn’t. I really, really like tug of war.

First, we had to go and line up right next to the door, but then we had to go and sit back down because we ran to be lined up. But Mrs. Kumar said that she forgot the rope and told my classmates. 

Next, my teacher almost got the rope, so she said to my classmates to get it the names were Francis and William, and so when they got it we all had to line up right next to the door, and we turned to the left, and you had to go up on the concrete, and right next to the right, you will see a tennis court.  Then you have to keep going up and up, and then you will see the park, and at the back of the park is the field, and that is where we played. 

Then we had to get a line for the rope and a string to put in the middle of the rope and tie it. Once we found something, we tied it, and, by the way, it was a ripped sock. Once it was done, we had to do boys vs. girls. When they were between the girls and the boys, my teacher aid, Ms Lammas, said that we had to let it go because it was not even when we let it go that the rope looked like a snake that slithered slowly and fast.  So we all have to let go of the ropes; when they are even, we can hold them back up again. 

Finally, my teacher said, “Are we ready?” and we all said yes; my teacher said go girls, while Mrs. Kumar said go boys. While we were pulling, we had a strategy, and we had to lie back. When I said pull, we all pulled as hard as we could, and when the boys were on the line, they were the slippers. Mrs. Kumar said that the girls won one round. Once we were done, the girls started to scream like a little girl who was two years old.  The rope was long and skinny, like a tree branch. After we were done playing tug of war with my other classmates, Tupou was the one who took it back when we were done.

My classmates and I had so much fun playing tug of war on the field and it was exciting to play for the girls because the girls won the first and second rounds but it was not fair so we went in front of Ms. Lammas and the girls at the back and the boys in front and she picked us and we were mixed with boys and girls. Team One and Team Two were mixed with boys and girls Team Two was called Up the Wahs and Team 1 was called Team Power. Have you guys played tug of war with your classmates? 

By: Anamalia

Tug of War

On Monday, after the third break, Room 8 went on the field, and we were playing tug of war. We got into teams; the first team was Team 1, and the second was Team 2.

We got into girls vs. boys, and the girls won the first and second rounds. All the girls were screaming loudly, like monkeys. We were smiling and laughing because all of us were so happy, and the sky was so sunny.

First, we got into teams again because the girls’ team kept on winning, so my teacher wanted to make it fair, so she split us into teams and we changed our team names. The first team was a team called Up the Wahs.

Next was Team Power. We went to our sides as Ms. Lammas was calling our names. We started to think of our strategy. Our strategy was to lean back and pull, but it still didn’t work. We lost again and again, but we still wanted to play another game. We were all pulling so hard on the rope. It was so long that it was like a big, long snake tail.

Then, my teacher said two more rounds, but all of my other classmates were yelling at her: five more, four more, and seven more. Because they were yelling at our teacher,  my teacher said no, only two, not more, because some of my classmates were already playing up and some of my classmates were already tired of playing.

Finally, we were having our second-to-last game of tug of war. Team power pulled so hard that we still lost, no matter how hard team power pulled. The Room 8 girls are still stronger. It’s like the Rm 8 girls are strong like a rock. I don’t know about the boys.   

 We started to pack up because we had finished our game. My teacher asked Tupou if he could pick up the rope, and he said yes, Mrs. Kumar, I will. So we all put our shoes on and went for a drink of water.   

By: Skylar                                        

Adding Adjectives

Adjectives are special words that make our sentences more interesting and colourful! They help us describe things better, so we can understand them easily. Imagine you have a big dog. The word “big” is an adjective because it tells us about the dog’s size.

Add an adjective in the sentence below

Lovely We saw a lovely dog on the walk.
Hot It was a very hot day for April.
Cold The cold wind blew the kite across the sky.
Fantastic He really was a fantastic cat.
Boring It was an incredibly boring film.
Brown The brown dog dashed across the field.
Kind The kind lady made me a cup of tea.
Messy The messy kitchen really needed to be cleaned.
Exciting This is one of the most exciting books I’ve ever read.



Adjectives are special words that make our sentences more interesting and colourful! They help us describe things better, so we can understand them easily. Imagine you have a big dog. The word “big” is an adjective because it tells us about the dog’s size.

Add an adjective in the sentence below

Lovely We saw a lovely dog on the walk.
Hot It was a very hot day for April.
Cold The cold wind blew the kite across the sky.
Fantastic He really was a very fantastic cat.
Boring It was an incredibly boring film.
Brown The brown dog dashed across the field.
Kind The kind lady made me a cup of tea.
Messy The messy kitchen really needed to be cleaned.
Exciting This is one of the most exciting books I’ve ever read.

By: Kalisi

Making sentences

  1.   About – I was just about to go to the shop.

  2.   Down – My friend fell down and scraped her knee.

  3.    Is – It is almost Halloween.

  4.   Out – Last night, the power went out.

  5.  To – Yesterday, I went to my nan’s house.

  6.   After – We went to the time zone after we went shopping at the mall.

  7.   Each – Each of the children got a present.

  8.  Like – I like to eat Ice cream at night for a midnight snack while watching movies by myself

  9.  Over – I rolled over, then fell off my bed and banged my head on the floor.

  10.  Under – I went under my blanket when I got scared.

  11.  All –  We all ran away from the tagger.

  12.  Find – We were hiding from the tagger when she said I’m going to find you.

  13.  Little – My baby cousin’s hands are very little.

  14.  Put – I put my baby cousin to sleep, then closed the door and he woke up and started crying.

  15.  Use – Did you use all the hot water because the water is freezing cold in the shower?

  16.  Also, – My friend went to the same laundrette that I was at.

  17.  First – First we have to wash the dishes.

  18.  Look – Look at the washing machine; it’s not working. I think you broke it.

  19.  She – But Anahera said that you broke my watch, Atahua said.

  20.  Very – My older sister was very mad at me because I used all her perfume.

By: Aaliyah

Sentence Making


  1. I am smart and so are my friends.
  2. My jumper is so big and warm.
  3. I used to have a big pet called Shadow.
  4. It was a bit dirty in your room.
  5. I only have six dollars but my dad gave me ten dollars.
  6. I used to have a cat that was fat.
  7. I did my work. It had ten lines in my writing book.
  8. My dad told me to eat all my food.
  9. My sister acted like a frog once.
  10. I have a green toothbrush in the bathroom.
  11. My friend can write with her left hand.
  12. Sometimes my older brother hogs the ball.
  13. I like to use the world in my sentences.
  14. I like chocolate ice cream. And I like chocolate syrup on my ice cream.
  15. My little baby brother is so cute when I look at him.
  16. In kindergarten, I used to make fake maps. To play fake pirates.
  17. My mum said I had to meet my cousin so I got changed.
  18. My newborn baby almost broke his nose.
  19. I have a new pet called Maxine.
  20. I had to run all the way to school from home.
  21. My sister almost ripped her test paper in half.
  22. I see that my family is so smart.
  23. My sister is turning six this year.
  24. I like to have some ice cream during the holidays.
  25. My five-year-old brother ran over the road so I came and stopped there.
  26. My older brother said that was some yummy cake at my cousin’s birthday.
  27. I was happy, then I was sad because my sister hit me.
  28. I always try to be happy.
  29. When you are sad, just do something that makes you happy. 
  30. You are the best family I could ever have.
  31. My brother is after my sister.
  32. My dad always tells me not to eat like an animal.
  33. I think my sister almost ran away from home.
  34. I can buy that drink because I have some money.
  35. I have to buy this lunch for school so I can eat.
  36. I do not have a clock at my dad’s house.
  37. Water always drips from the sky sometimes.
  38. I have eight lollipops at home.
  39. I love my family so much; they are the best
  40. I like to go on the slide first in the park.
  41. A goat has a funny-looking horn.
  42. I am so happy with my friend at school.
  43. I was at home sick for, I think, three days.
  44. I always have to be kind to everyone.
  45. You have to look across a road before you cross.
  46. At night, I and my siblings are always hungry.
  47. I only have seven siblings.
  48. My brother knows his pluses and takeaways.
  49. I had to take a break from school for now.
  50. The sea looks beautiful today.
  51. People can all come in different shapes and sizes.
  52. I slid down the slide so fast.
  53. It will be winter soon.
  54. It would be such a good day tomorrow.
  55. I told my mum you were so very pretty.

By: Kalisi

Sentence Making

About – I was just about to go to the shop.

Down – I fell down the mud in school on the field.

Is – My friend is kind and is never mad.

Out – My mum said that if we have a dog,, we have to leave it out of the house.

To – I love to sing with my little sister Alexsia In the living room.

After – We eat candy after dinner or when we are about to go to sleep.

Each – In my house, we each have our own bedroom.

Like – I like to go to the park with my family but sometimes we don’t.

Over – I went over the moon when I saw the sky.

Under – I like to go under the tree and relax.

All – I eat all the pears in the house and my dad said why.

Find – I was helping find my mum’s key to work. For the face recognition to come in the warehouse.

Little – My little sister loves to watch TV and play with me on the trampoline 

Put –  My mum puts her keys on the wall every 8 p.m.

Use – I use my sister’s clothes and go to her room.

Also – My sister likes carrots just as much as me.

First – I was always the first to get up from bed.

Look – I always have to look for my clothes every day.

Said – I said to my mum that I was going to give my speech.

Very – I am very happy because I got ice cream with my friends.

And – I love my family and my friends too.

By: Anamalia

Baby Sister

When I was born, my mum and dad named me Akenza, which stands for forever New Zealand. My family is the greatest people I would ever be with. They have always been with me, ever since I was a baby. But the one thing that I have always wished for was a baby sister. All my life, I have been wishing for a baby sister. I have been begging my parents to have a baby sister. Until one day, when my family and I were having dinner, my mum ran to the bathroom. I was worried about what was going to happen. The next day, when I woke up, I got ready for school, but when I came back around lunchtime, my dad went and told me to come. I was confused because I had done nothing, but when I came to the cabin, my mum told me to sit down on the bed, so I went and sat down, and my mum told me the best news ever. I was going to be a big sister. I was so happy that I shouted, I’ll have a baby sister! I was so excited.

By: Akenza

What I did at home

I had so much at home.

On Saturday, my mum and dad said that I should visit the doctor, and I said okay so my mum said go and wear some other clothes so I went upstairs to change and when I was done, my mum and dad got dressed and we all went in the car. And I went to the doctor and when we got there, I went to the nurse and when I was done, my dad said to me when my mum was with the nurse, What do you want to eat? and I said I wanted a kebab, so we went there and got it.

First, my dad said to me, Let’s go and get mum so we can go to the chemist and I said okay so we went to my mum, and my mum said the doctor wants to see me so I went with my mum while my dad stayed in the car. My mum pushed this little button that was red and she said to it that it was Sia and then the door magically opened, so we went in it until the doctor came so we waited and waited until he came and he said Anamalia and my mum said let’s go, so we went into a little room and the doctor’s name was Dr. Kevin, so we talked and he said, Have you been vomiting? And I said no so he asked me if I had been coughing and I said yes and he kept on asking me how I was sick.

Next, my mum said to my dad that we have to go to the chemist to get my panadol so my dad said alright so me and my mum went to the chemist and when we came back, my mum said that we got to go to the shop and said, I just want a pie, so my mum said, “Let’s get two pie and I said okay, so we went to the drink side and we got monster, and my mum said, Do you want a candy? and I said yes so I got a slime licker and then we went to the checkout and my mum said okay, it‘s time to go home.

Then my dad said, Can you give me the roller? I said it was candy but he said no, it is a roller for your armpits and we all laughed, so when we arrived, my dad said, Go lay down and take a rest so I went to lay down right next to the TV, and when I opened the package of pie, it was very crunchy and then I put on the TV while I was eating my pie and slime licker.

Finally, the next day, my mum said when my 5 siblings went to school and when my dad came back home, my dad and mum said let’s go and go to the shop and get something to eat, so we all went, and when we arrived at the shop, I and my mum went to the same shop and got a drink for my and something to eat, and it was a pie again, so when we bought it and we went home, my mum said that it was time to drink your pandol, and it came with a syringe, and the syringe was so small, and my pandol was kind of yuck, so after I drank it, I ran to the TV and drank my drink for my and something to eat and it was a pie again so when we bought it and we went home and when we went home my mum said that it is time to drink your pandol and it came with a syringe and the syringe was so small and my pandol was kind of yuck so after I drank it I ran to the tv and drank my drink and it was all better.

I had really fun at home with my parents and without my siblings but sometimes I miss my little sister so when it was 3 o’clock, my siblings came back and my little sister came to me and said hi and then I said hi and then they went upstairs to change, and when they came back we watched TV while my dad was outside waiting for my two older brothers who are in Tamaki College, and when they came back they did the same thing as my sisters did. My mum rang my dad’s phone and dad picked it up and gave the phone to me. My mum said, Are you feeling good? and I said yeah, so then she said, Get well soon and we hung up on her. Then my dad said, Go and give me your pandol and I drank it and ran to the refrigerator and got the milk because it was yuck so then my little sister said, Can we go on the trampoline? and I said no because I was sick. So I said okay and we went and played. I hope you like it.

By: Anamalia

Egg Experiment

The weirdest experiment ever!

After the assembly in the hall, Mrs. Kumar got us to go and sit on the mat. She said we were going to do an experiment with salt, eggs, and two transparent glasses. 

First, she got two clear glasses, filled them halfway with water, poured two tablespoons of salt into one of the glasses, and mixed it all up. The water with salt in it looked like a grey marshmallow.  Then she got two eggs, which she had brought from home. She also got two pieces of paper and labelled each paper without salt and with salt. 

Next, she asked us to make a hypothesis about what would happen to the eggs if she placed them in a glass of salted and unsalted water. She chose some children to share their hypotheses. It was funny when someone said that the egg would get cooked. She then opened the container, got the two eggs, and put them in the water. It sank in water without salt, whereas it floated in salt water. This difference in behaviour can be attributed to the substance’s degree of compactness, which in this case was salt.

Then we were looking at it while Mrs. Kumar was taking photos. We noticed that one of the eggs was facing upward and one of them was facing sideways.

Finally, Mrs. Kumar told us that we had to get our Chromebooks and find out what density means, which is the degree of compactness of the substance, and she asked us if our hypothesis was right or wrong. My hypothesis was wrong because I thought that it was going to turn the shell white so that you could see the egg yolk and the albumen, but it just floated.  

I loved doing this experiment, and I hope we can do another one in the future. I love doing experiments, and I hope I can do it again at school. When we were doing the experiment, the classroom was quieter than a mouse, but after we did the experiment, it was louder than having a party. It’s fun to do experiments like this. I wish I could do these experiments at home, but I wouldn’t be able to do it because it would make a big mess in the kitchen, and I am too lazy to clean, so I don’t do experiments at home. When Mrs. Kumar added the egg to the water without salt,  it plopped. On the other glass, it made a bloop sound. 

By: Aaliyah