Our First Day of School

Today was our first day at school. To make it more fun our school hired a bouncy castle for the juniors. We played in small groups so that we don’t get hurt. While others were playing in the bouncy castle, we had little free time to play with our friends. There was a hoop so we tried playing by shooting into the hoop. We felt really hot while playing on it. We all were sweating. We wish we can play on the bouncy castle again very soon.

The Six Blind Men – A Manaiakalani Film Festival Entry 2022

Kia Ora Everyone.  Have I got a question for you all?  “Is it easy to get mad or upset with others?”  No, no. no.  We should not get mad or upset with others.  We must realise that everybody looks at things from a different angle.  Our movie is going to explain exactly that!  So sit back, relax and enjoy!

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